Thanks for reading my tale of woe and thanks to Allan Jones for putting me on the right track regarding the USB power problem. Luckily, I have more recent photos on iPad and iPhone, but have lost all - several hundred - pre-2014 photos.) Given that I will want to keep up to date with OS X (or whatever comes after it!), I shall probably invest in a Mac Mini and use my Intel-powered iMac as a 21" display! (Last time I did not keep to the latest OS version, my iPhoto library became "damaged" - how, I have no idea! - and I still have not recovered from that, with Photo having 'lost' the library on the iMac and 5 partial-libraries for iPhoto, none of which is currently accessible. Nothing else has changed - other than the version of OS X - since last time the DVD writer worked (without problems), so I'm wondering if "Catalina" puts additional requirements on the power supply? (Although why it would affect the USB power is beyond my comprehension capacity!) I am using a genuine Apple USB C to USB A adapter cable.I disconnected the two (physically small) SSDs which were also connected by USB and lo and behold, when I reconnected it, the DVD drive was accessible - for about 15 seconds! It is obviously a USB-power problem and I have now ordered a powered hub. I also tried connecting it to a USB charger plug pack and the door opens immediately when the button is pressed. I've connected the drive to my previous Windows PC and it works perfectly, so I know there is nothing wrong with it. Navigate to HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesatapi Now, Create a new key named Controller0 by right-clicking on atapi. Type regedit into the Search box and click on the first result.

Manufacturer: Hitachi-LG Data Storage Inc Reset the DVD drive using the Registry editor Click on the Windows button from the Taskbar. This makes me wonder whether enough power is being supplied.

It seems to be visible (shows in System Report>USB), however the drive just makes a regular clicking sound and the drive door doesn't open when the button is pressed. 1 Hitachi LG Slim CD/DVD writer not appearing in Device Manager Connected my new LG/Hitachi slim cd/dvd writer (model number: GP60NB60.AUAE12B) to my Dell G5 5500 laptop, but it's not recognized, it doesn't appear in Device Manager.

Here are all the fixes to help you open Apple SuperDrive and LG, Asus, Dell, Samsung external DVD drives on Mac. I have a slim portable DVD writer from LG (GP60NB50, marketed as Mac compatible) which I'm trying to get running on the above computer with Monterey. Your external DVD player is not working or showing up on Mac Don't worry.